OK, yesterday I went on the radio - KRZA - and talked about our Vespers Trilogy, writing, e-publishing and researching a historical novel. It was a blast!
Next week my co-author and I will be at the Tucson Book Fair at the Sisters in Crime booth, selling our books so stop by and see us! I'll have some free biscotti for you ...
I'd like to know from readers out there just what books you're reading that are set in the Middle Ages. Give me a critique, a list, whatever. With my heart set in Italy, I usually pick up books from that region, but the overwhelming percentage, of course, are books set in England. I did love Philippa Gregory's Tudor series and I think she envisions new twists on well-known stories, which is not easy. Her characters are complex and she makes them interesting. We think we know these people from their well-publicized histories, but she was able to show us different facets of how she imagined they acted. However fictional they might be, they are always plausible and fascinating. Not an easy task.
Another author I was talking about with a friend was Sharon Kay Penman, whose Sunne in Splendor just blew me away. she again creates vivid and plausible characters and weaves in the time period seamlessly so that by the end of her novels, you feel you've been there.
So stop by and see us at the Tucson Book Fair - happy reading!!
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