8. Likewise, take the
leaves of the rosemary and put it in your bed, and you will not have
9. Likewise, take the
rosemary and make a vapor from it, and it will prolong your youth and
strengthen your limbs.
10. Likewise, take the
leaf of the rosemary and grind it up and put it on a crab, and it will cause it
to die immediately.
11. Likewise, take
rosemary and its leaves and grind them up and make 6 spoonfuls of sauce, and
eat it with whatever you please, and it will make it good and wholesome.
12. Likewise, take
rosemary and keep it in your house, and you will have nothing to fear from
serpents or scorpions.
13. Likewise, take a
leaf of rosemary and put it in wine, and it will give it a good, firm bouquet
and a good flavor, and it will be clean and clear.
14. Likewise, take the
wood of the rosemary, and put it into a barrel, or cask, and drink the wine
from it. It is good for every illness, and will drive away boils of the breast.
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