Saturday, May 31, 2014

Eel Pie - a medieval recipe from France and Italy - a Christmas Treat!

The Medieval Kitchen by Odile Redon, Francoise Sabban and Silvano Serventi discuss French and Italian medieval recipes, ingredients and food in wonderful detail. My husband was curious and wanted to try to make an eel pie and the following is a quote from p. 151: "In the Middle Ages, the eel was the most sought-after of fishes ..." and I just found out from a friend who loves sushi that eel is one of the common offerings in modern sushi. So there you have it! Modern and medieval - who wants to tell us about eating eel? As an aside, some ingredients in a medieval eel pie? They would use butter, dates, saffron, walnuts, cloves, olive oil, nutmug, pepper and salt, almonds - you know, the usual!! Happy eating!

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